Zach WrightZach Wright, MSI

Research Computer Specialist

Phone: 734-615-5916





Mr. Wright received a Master of Science in Information from the University of Michigan School of Information in 2002, specializing in Human Computer Interaction (HCI). As a graduate student researcher, he helped conduct studies on computer mediated communication in the Collaboratory for Research on Electronic Work (CREW). In 2003, Mr. Wright went to work for the Michigan Center for Biological Information (MCBI) and later the DARPA Virtual Soldier Project developing bioinformatics web applications, databases, and managing collaborative tools. Mr. Wright currently works for the National Center for Integrated Biomedical Informatics (NCIBI) developing web applications, conducting usability evaluations, designing and prototyping interfaces based on user-centered criteria, and developing data and database infrastructure.

His current NCIBI projects include: MiSearch, Gene2MeSH, Metab2MeSH, the NLP web service, and the Data Warehouse.